№: 11.08.09

November 9, 2009
Venerable Nestor the Chronicler

To all Rectors of the Eastern American Diocese

Dear Reverend Fathers!

     As in past years, together with the organizers of the annual St. Herman’s Youth Conferences, I request active participation in the religious upbringing of the youth of ROCOR by taking a plate collection in your churches on the nearest Sunday, for the coming St. Herman’s Conference, which will be convened this year at St. Xenia’s Church in Methuen, Massachusetts. Checks should be made payable to: St. Herman of Alaska Youth Conference, 231 Stonington Hill Rd., Voorheesville, NY 12186.

     Thanking you in advance for your parish’s participation in this God-pleasing endeavor, I invoke upon you God’s blessing.

First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad
Metropolitan of Eastern America and New York

Archpriest Serge Lukianov
Diocesan Secretary