Metropolitan of Eastern America and New
First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia
March 23, 2009
№ 3-27/09
We remind the Rectors of all parishes and communities and
Superiors of monasteries in the Eastern American Diocese that,
according to Council decree and established tradition, annually,
on Palm Sunday, all churches of the Russian Orthodox Church
Outside of Russia undertake a plate collection on behalf of the
Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem. The collection may be
taken on the eve at the vigil service as well as after the Divine
Liturgy on the actual day of the feast. The collection should be
preceded by a brief explanation from the pastor concerning the
purpose of the collection and of the needs of the Mission.
Please send donations to:
Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in
75 East 93rd Street
New York, NY 10128
Metropolitan of Eastern America and New York
First Hierarch
of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia