Church is the Source of Life
(A Sermon on the Lesser Consecration of the newly
constructed lower part of the Church of St. John the Forerunner of the
Lord in Washington, DC, on Saturday, March23/April 5, 1958)
Archbishop Nikon (Rklitsky)
"In confirming the common Resurrection, O Christ God, Thou didst
raise up Lazarus from the dead before Thy Passion. Wherefore, we also,
like the children bearing the symbols of victory, cry to Thee, the
Vanquisher of death: Hosanna in the highest; blessed is He that cometh
in the name of the Lord."
In these holy words, which today are sung over and over again in
Christ’s Church, when the spiritual eyes of the Church’s children
see the resurrection of Lazarus, four days dead, and tomorrow, when
the Holy Church greets the Lord, coming to voluntary sufferings in
Jerusalem, are opened unto us the true meaning of a church, filled
with God’s grace.
Only here, in God’s church, can we unshakably convince ourselves
that common resurrection awaits us. All of the billions of people who
have lived and whose it will be to live on this earth and taste death,
will arise for eternal life – so teaches us the Holy Church, in
direct contradiction to the false wisdom of this world, which lives
only the superficial life of the age of mortality, failing to think of
the age of immortality.
But it is even more surprising that not only does the world not
consider death, which lords over it, but even teaches its unfortunate
prisoners lies. The vast majority of people who live in the world live
as though they will never die. Despite the self-evident truth that
death will inevitably end every man’s life, people are instead
taught to live at though there is no death, and when it inevitably
comes, they respond to it as to an uninvited and terrible guest. And
only the Holy Church teaches Her children how to prepare for death,
how to live in order not to fear it; in the words of St. Chrysostom,
which we hear here on the Paschal night: "Let no one fear death,
for the Savior’s death has set us free."
So the Holy Church is the true Teacher of life – She teaches Her
children how rightly to live to life and how rightly to die. In this
grace-filled School of life the Teacher is Christ Himself, Who
invisibly abides in His Church and, through His Apostles and Saints
and through the very life of the Church, teaches the world His
teaching: "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them
in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit,
teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you:
and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.
Amen" (Matthew 28:19-20).
But not only are lessons on life taught in the Church. In Christ’s
Church we are given mystical spiritual gifts, which heal our ailing
souls and bodies and make us capable of receiving these life’s
teachings. Our souls, captivated by sins, constantly whirling about in
this world that lies in sin, are in need of means of healing, and
these means are given to us here in the holy mysteries, in prayers, in
the recollections and descriptions of the sacred events of our
salvation, in communion with the spirit of God’s holy saints, in the
keeping of God’s commandments, which defend our soul and body from
the world’s evil.
Finally, the Holy Church opens for us the mystical curtain which
divides earth from heaven. With her experience She leads us to the
threshold of paradise, prepared before the creation of the world for
all those who love the Lord and please Him in their earthly lives. In
hours of prayer, in days of great feasts, and especially on the day of
Christ’s Glorious Resurrection, heaven mystically opens to us, and a
ray of light shines into the softened hearts of each one according to
our faith: for the holy God-pleasers, who have obtained spiritual
experience – to a higher degree; for us, sinners – to a lesser
degree; but every believer and every one who repents of his sins,
which divide us from God, can obtain here those spiritual gifts, and
the blessings invariably bound to them. Christ’s Church is a new,
grace-filled life on earth.
Such is the meaning of Christ’s Church. We haven’t the time to
discuss also the social significance of Christ’s Church, as the sole
source of healing for society’s mores and the elevation of
society’s cultural interests; or the governmental and political
signification of the Church, as a means for the fortification of the
state’s foundations; or the international significance of the
Church, as a means for the establishment of the peace of the whole
world. In short, Christ’s Church has an all-encompassing
significance: the Light of Christ illumineth all.
That is why today your hearts so rejoice and exult, beloved in the
Lord parishioners and builders of this holy temple! By the mercy of
the Mother of God, through her wonder-working Icon "of the
Sign," here now in your church, by the prayers of our Primate,
His Eminence, Metropolitan Anastassy, who cares particularly strongly
for your church, the Lord has poured out on you special grace and has
helped you in such a short time, less than half a year, to raise up
this marvelous church. May the Lord Himself reward all of the
benefactors and all those who have labored in this holy work. Please
accept from our ruling Archbishop, His Eminence Vitaly, these
certificates of appreciation, and I would especially like to note the
labors of the Building Committee chairman A.A. Fetisov, foreman A.I.
Gutan, and the generous benefactor P.R. Vaulin. May the Lord help you
in the same brotherly and successful manner to complete the upper part
of this church for the glory of God, for your salvation, and in
witness of Holy Russia in this wonderful city of Washington, which
presides over this great nation.