13, 2009
Summer Youth Program held at Holy Trinity Monastery
many years in abeyance, the Jordanville Summer Youth Program was
relaunched on June 21, 2009, on the Sunday of All Saints of Russia.
The program was open to boys between the ages of fifteen and eighteen,
and lasted three weeks. Six boys came from different parts of the
United States to be part of the Youth Program, having heard either by
word of mouth or through the Jordanville website.
boys participated in the life of Holy Trinity Monastery, attending
services daily and working with the monks at various obediences.
Some of the obediences included serving in the altar, painting
icons, working in the vegetable and flower gardens, helping in the
kitchen and bakery, and cleaning the Seminary dormatory.
were many special features of the program as well. The group met with
a priest including Rev. Victor Boldewskul and Rev. Alexei Pjawka for
spiritual instruction and discussion daily. The boys learned
about the fundamentals of Orthodoxy, the lives of saints and were
exposed to the living heritage of Holy Trinity Monastery including its
spiritual connection with the Pochaev monastery. Archimandrite Luke,
the Abbot of Holy Trinity Monastery, met with the boys and spoke on
special topics. Two of the boys received instruction in
iconography from Monk Theophan. Fr. Boris Henderson, the Summer Youth
Program advisor, came from Colorado to do a woodworking project with
all the boys. They all participated in campfires and lenten barbeques,
swimming in the monastery lakes, sports, and fishing. One special
fishing trip was led by Protodeacon Victor Lochmatow. Fr. Victor
brought the boys to a lake where Metropolitan Laurus of blessed memory
would sometimes retreat for relaxation. They rented a boat and
had a lenten cookout on an island. The boys also went to Howe Caverns
and the Baseball Hall of Fame in nearby Cooperstown.
Luke, Fr. Boris, and the planners and organizers of the Summer Youth
Program would like to thank all those who donated to the program.
Together they made the program affordable and accessible to people
would otherwise not be able to attend, and contributed greatly to
the program's success.

photographs are available on the Holy Trinity Monastery website by
clicking here.
Website of Holy Trinity Monastery