December 13, 2009
Millville, NJ: The Kursk Root Icon visited St. Nicholas Church

On Sunday evening, December 13, the Kursk Root Icon of the Mother of God departed the God-preserved city of Philadelphia, departing for Millville, NJ to St. Nicholas Church. The icon was greeted by rector Priest Nikolai Manduke, Deacon Jonathon Yerkes, and a group of parishioners, who had gathered to pray to the Heavenly Queen. The singing of the moleben with akathist to the Mother of God was led by the diocesan secretary, Archpriest Serge Lukianov, co-served by the parish clergy. A small group of the faithful gathered in the church, but because of the grace streaming from the holy icon, it felt as if the church were packed with hundreds. Indeed, the church was filled with legions of angels, accompanying the Queen of Heaven Herself in Her wonder-working Kursk Root Icon. The parishioners, though small in number, burned with zeal for the Lord, and the akathist proceeded in a unique prayerful spirit.

Fr. Serge presented the rector with a copy of the Kursk icon, a blessing from the First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad. Fr. Nikolai also handed out to the faithful smaller icons, which had been blessed on the Kursk icon itself over the course of the akathist. Afterwards, dessert and refreshments were offered in the parish hall, and Fr. Serge presented a photo montage of the historic return of the icon to Russia to those present. After the montage, Fr. Serge continued his talk on the pilgrimage to Russia, and the parishioners listened with great interest, asking many questions about the trip. No one wanted to part with the icon, and everyone remained until the end of the meeting to bid the icon farewell. O Most Holy Theotokos, save us!

Media Office of the Eastern American Diocese