December 14, 2009
Paterson, NJ: The Kursk Root Icon visited St. Michael’s Cathedral

On Monday, December 12, the Kursk Root Icon of the Mother of God visited St. Michael’s Cathedral in Paterson, NJ, for an evening moleben with akathist. The parish was founded by Archpriest Julian Olhovsky in 1950; the faithful spent the first few years of this Orthodox community’s existence in a temporary church built in a former pet store. Today, almost 60 years later, the golden domes of the cathedral can be seen from afar, and the peal of bells, calling the faithful to prayer, is audible throughout the streets of the city.

The church was filled with people in prayer awaiting the Protectress of the Russian Diaspora and piously hoping to venerate Her through Her icon. The akathist was led by diocesan secretary Archpriest Serge Lukianov, cathedral rector Archpriest George Zelenin, and Archpriest Zoran Radovic, rector of St. George’s Serbian Church in Elizabeth, NJ, who had come to share joy in the Mother of God with his Russian brothers and sisters. Fr. Zoran read the akathist in Serbian, and in doing so reminded everyone that the intercession and protection of the Mother of God knows no borders. Upon completion of the akathist, a meal was offered in the parish hall, after which Fr. Serge presented a photo montage of the historic return of the Kursk Root Icon to Russia.

Media Office of the Eastern American Diocese