19, 2009
Carolina: Joint Liturgy of the Parishes of North & South Carolinas
tradition of annually conducting divine services under the open sky in
Cheraw State Park began 14 years ago, when Archpriest Anastasy
Yatrelis, rector of Sts. Cyril & Methodius Church in Summerville,
SC took care to spiritually nourish the Holy Trinity Orthodox
Community in Durham, NC. Once a year, in the autumn, parishioners of
the two parishes gather under an awning on the shore of a lake in this
picturesque corner of South Carolina, nestled halfway between
Charleston and the Research Triangle. They gathered to serve the
Divine Liturgy, to pray together, and to converse one with another.
Amidst tobacco plantations, in a region where virtually every road
bears an historical marker commemorating the far-off events of the
American Civil War, where towns are adorned with century-old meeting
houses of the Protestant denominations traditionally dominant in this
area, topped with tall steeples, Orthodoxy is proclaimed, prayers are
offered up, and wondrous hymns are sung in English, Church Slavonic,
and Greek. Truly, as the Psalmist writes, "Their voice has gone
out through all the earth."
in 2006, the newly formed Church of the Reigning Mother of God in
Charlotte, NC, led by its rector, Priest Alexander Logunov, has taken
part in the annual services. This year, Priest Mark Mancuso and
parishioners from St. Elizabeth the New Martyr Church near Columbia,
SC, as well as Priest Onouphry Keith and parishioners from St.
Nicholas Church in Asheville, NC were also in attendance. Priest John
Moses, Southern Liason at the Diocesan Council, also arrived in
Virginia to co-serve at the Liturgy and talk to parishioners of North
and South Carolinas. After the Liturgy, a picnic was held, during
which parishioners were able to get acquainted, talk, and share their
experiences. Fr. John spent time telling everyone about the work being
undertaken by the diocesan council. Youth from the various churches
took boat rides across the scenic lake, and everyone left in earnest
hope that next year, the Lord will once more gather His children for
joint brotherly prayer and cooperation in spiritual projects.
Office of the Eastern American Diocese