October 1, 2009
Mahopac, NY: The Patronal Feast Day of the New Kursk-Root Hermitage

On Sunday, September 27, the Church of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos (New Kursk-Root Hermitage) in Mahopac, NY, celebrated its annual patronal feast day. The Divine Liturgy was celebrated by His Grace Jerome, Bishop of Manhattan, co-served by Archpriest Alexander Donchenko, Archpriest Ilya Gun, Hieromonk Nicholas (Perekrestov), and Deacon Dimitri Temidis. During the Little Entrance, Bishop Jerome awarded Archpriest Alexander Donchenko the right to wear the epigonation (palitsa).

This service differed from other years, in that it took place inside of the church. Pouring rain made it impossible to follow the annual tradition of serving the festive Liturgy outside, under the open sky, at the nearby chapel (designed by architect Mr. Ryl). Perhaps Divine Providence was at work here, however; due to the rain, the Hierarchal Liturgy blessed and sanctified the reborn building housing the church. Traditionally, the parish celebrates its patronal feast day in honor of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos on the first Sunday after September 21. This year, that Sunday fell on the great feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. In his sermon, His Grace noted that the fore feast of the Exaltation of the Honorable and Life-Creating Cross of the Lord is called the "Little Resurrection," in honor of the restoration in the 4th Century of the Jerusalem church built on the place of the Lord's Resurrection (the Church of the Holy Sepulcher). The name indicates that this feast, though it does not always take place on a Sunday, is nonetheless called the "Resurrection," because it honors the Church of the Resurrection. In some churches, named in honor of the Little Resurrection, Paschal sticheras are sung on this day.  In this manner, a Paschal mood was brought over into the festive Liturgy in Mahopac, a fact of which the faithful were reminded by the white vestments of the clergy. His Grace thanked the parishioners for standing up to evil, fighting to preserve their church from closure and the destruction of a place of prayer, the first home of the Kursk Root Icon of the Mother of God in America. Vladyka called this an undertaking of bloodless martyrdom - of "green martyrs," and said that, while the Lord sends us rewards in this life, we hope for His mercy in the next life as well. With this he blessed the continued restoration work.

After the Liturgy, a moleben was served to the Most Holy Theotokos. His Grace blessed everyone with holy water from the spring in the Kursk-Root Hermitage in Russia, which was brought back by a youth group returning from a pilgrimage to Russia in July of this year.

After the service, a large festive luncheon with a wealth of various Lenten food, prepared by the parish sisterhood, other parishioners, and friends of the parish, was served.

During the luncheon, many warm words were addressed to Fr. Ilya, who continuously prayed in the church and served divine services even in the parish's most trying times, when the church didn't even have water or heating. A wonderful turn of events that took place in the last year was noted, as a result of which the church was not only neither ruined nor closed, but is now being restored! The great contributions of Mr. Basil Serdsev, who led the restoration work with his  selfless efforts in helping parishioners and parish children, were also noted. Parishioners also thanked Vyacheslav and Olga Maltsev and all donors for their contributions.

The "Tsarskoe Selo" chapter of St. George's Pathfinders of America (SGPA) was also thanked, for running a collection on September 26 at Mahopac (This place is also significant for SGPA, since the organization's first summer camp in America, "Zarya" ("Daybreak"), took place in Mahopac in 1950). Boy scouts, girl scouts, and counselors helped significantly by cleaning the territory of the Hermitage, and in working on rebuilding the church building.

We hope that all departed content, full of joy, and with hope that the restoration of the church will continue, and that more people will join in lending a hand. This is, after all, not a frequent opportunity in our lives, being able to participate in the restoration of one of God's holy churches!

The Lord bless you all!

Ekaterina Piskareva (Parishioner of the Church of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos in Mahopac)

Media Office of the Eastern American Diocese