7, 2010
WV: "Serving the Church through Ordination" conference
held at Holy Cross Monastery
From April 30 to
May 2, 2010, 28 men gathered at the Hermitage of the Holy Cross,
located in Wayne, West Virginia, to consider the possibility of
serving the Orthodox Church through ordination. On Friday night, the
men gathered for fellowship, lenten snacks, and evening prayers.
Then, on Saturday, after morning prayers and breakfast, they met at
the pavilion at Beech Fork State Park for a series of lectures on the
life of a clergyman. Each lecture was followed by a question and
answer period. The attendees were blessed to have His Grace George,
Bishop of Mayfield, present with them for the entire day. The lectures
were given by Archpriest John Moses and Archpriest David Straut.
Archpriest Steven Ritter fell ill and could not attend, but he sent
his lecture via e-mail and it was read by Fr. John. Fr. Gregory Joyce
gave a talk on the distance learning program sponsored by the Diocese
Chicago and Mid-America.
Saturday evening,
the attendees went to the Hermitage for confession and the All-Night
Vigil, where the monastery chapel was filled to capacity.
On Sunday, the
attendees went to Christ the Savior Church, were they celebrated the
Divine Liturgy, led by Bishop George. With the conference attendees
and the church members, there were about 80 present in the church.
After the hierarchal service, a group photo was taken and everyone
enjoyed a festive luncheon. Follow-up events are being planned for
those who attended and who seek to serve the Church through

Media Office of the Eastern
American Diocese