A list of clergy who co-served with His Eminence HILARION, Metropolitan of Eastern America and New York, First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad, at the patronal feast day of St. John the Baptist Cathedral on September 10-11, 2010, in Washington, DC:

JUSTINIAN, Archbishop of Naro-Fominsk
Administrator of the Patriarchal Parishes in the USA

GEORGE, Bishop of Mayfield
Vicar of the Eastern American Diocese

Archpriest Victor Potapov
Cathedral rector

Archpriest Mark Shinn
Rector, St. Andrew’s Cathedral
(Philadelphia, PA)

Igumen Nicodemus (Balyasnikov)
Assistant to Archbishop Justinian of Naro-Fominsk

Archpriest Evgeny Goncharenko
Cleric of St. Nicholas Patriarchal Cathedral
(New York, NY)

Priest Vasiliy Raskovskiy
Cathedral cleric

Hieromonk Alexander (Frizzell)
Cleric of Holy Cross Monastery

Priest Valery Shemchuk
Cleric of St. Nicholas Cathedral
(Washington, DC)

Priest John Johnson
Cathedral cleric

Priest Alexander Resnikoff
Cathedral cleric

Protodeacon Leonid Mickle
Cathedral cleric

Protodeacon Igor Panachev
Cleric of St. Nicholas Patriarchal Cathedral
(New York, NY)

Protodeacon John Cavin
Cathedral cleric

Deacon Nathan Mousselli
Cleric of St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral
(Lakewood, NJ)