19, 2010
South Carolina: 15th annual joint Divine Liturgy at Cheraw State Park
Sunday, October 17, parishioners of the Russian Church Abroad in North
and South Carolina came together for joint prayer under a shelter by
the lake at Cheraw State Park for the fifteenth time. This tradition
began in the fall of 1995, when Priest Anastasy Yatrelis (rector of
Sts. Cyril & Methodius Church in Summerville, SC (near
Charleston)) was also spiritually nourishing the Holy Trinity Mission
in Durham, NC. In an attempt to bring parishioners of the two parishes
closer together, Fr. Anastasy would gather everyone once a year in
this picturesque corner of South Carolina, halfway between the two
the years, other parishes began to participate in the joyous event.
This year, Fr. Anastasy concelebrated with Priest Onouphry Keith
(rector of St. Nicholas Church in Fletcher, NC) and Priest Alexander
Logunov (rector of the Reigning Mother of God Church in Charlotte,
NC). The service was beautifully sung by a joint choir of the four
parishes under the leadership of Matushka Natalie Logunov. As is
already a tradition, the service took place in three languages –
English, Church Slavonic, and Greek.
Anastasy delivered a touching homily on the words of the Gospel, "As
ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise."
In his remarks, Fr. Alexander noted what a joy it is to come together
for joint services, for we no longer feel alone, but realize that we
are many and that we are held together by prayer and the bond of love.
the Liturgy, there was picnic and time uring which members of the four
parishes could meet and get to know one another. The youth took
advantage of the gorgeous weather to go boating on the lake. Everyone
departed filled great joy and awaiting the next joint service in

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