July 14, 2011
Metropolitan Hilarion led the 50th anniversary of Archpriest
Alexander Fedorowski's clerical service
Sunday, July 10, the First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad,
His Eminence Hilarion, Metropolitan of Eastern America & New York,
paid an archpastoral visit to
Dormition Stavropegial Convent "Novo-Diveevo" in Nanuet, NY, to honor
longtime monastery cleric Archpriest Alexander Fedorowski, who on
April 1 this year marked the 50th anniversary of his ordination.
Father Alexander has been serving as the senior cleric at the
Novo-Diveevo convent for 33 years.
At the triumphal Liturgy, His Eminence was
co-served by Archpriest George Larin, dean of the New England
Deanery, and convent clerics: Fr. Alexander, Archpriest Gleb
Wleskoff, and Protodeacon Sergei Arlievsky. During the Small
Entrance, for his many years of faithful service to Christ’s Holy
Church, Metropolitan Hilarion awarded Fr. Alexander the right to
wear the second cross. The church was filled to capacity, and a
multitude of parishioners and the faithful communed of Christ’s Holy
Upon completion of the Liturgy, His
Eminence congratulated Fr. Alexander from the bottom of his heart
with the momentous anniversary, and thanked him for his myriad
labors on behalf of Holy Dormition Convent and Christ’s Holy Church.
On behalf of the nuns and parishioners, Fr. Alexander was presented
with two jewelled crosses, and on behalf of Russia’s National Awards
Committee and with the blessing of His Holiness, Patriarch Kyrill,
Mr. V.S. Balakirev, presented Fr. Alexander a prestigious award "for
his peacemaking and zeal for the triumph of Orthodoxy." The
Polychronion was then intoned.
the end of the divine service, other clergy who regularly service
the convent arrived to congratulate their brother in Christ:
Archpriest Mark Burachek (rector of Our Lady of Kazan Church in
Newark, NJ), Archpriest George Zelenin (rector of St. Michael’s
Church in Paterson, NJ), and Priest Dmitri Don (rector of Sts.
Cosmas & Damian Church in Passaic, NJ), as well as Archpriest Ilya
Gorsky (cleric of Holy Virgin Protection Church in Nyack, NY).
After the Liturgy, a bountiful lenten
luncheon was served in the convent’s refectory, during which
congratulatory and grateful words were spoken on the occasion of the
anniversary. Fr. George Zelenin then presented Fr. Alexander a cross
that once belonged to longtime ROCOR cleric Archimandrite Amvrossy
(Pogodin). The parishioners and faithful were overjoyed at the
opportunity to congratulate their beloved spiritual father.

Office of the Eastern American Diocese