
June 8, 2011
Haiti: A cry for help from the suffering Orthodox faithful in Haiti
"Problems including lack of electricity, unsafe
drinking water,
and high prices of
essential commodities are poisoning the very life in Haiti!"
the January 12, 2010, earthquake, life in Haiti has become much more
difficult at every level. There are now all sorts of new problems,
but especially housing problems for some of our churches and
believers in Jacmel, Port-au-Prince and Léogâne.
In light of these new problems, the work of
our priests in Haiti has become much more complicated.
Thanks be to God, despite all of our
problems, we have been able to hold on, largely by the many efforts
of our beloved Metropolitan Hilarion and those numerous kindhearted
donors who have directed their efforts to help us through the Fund
for Assistance to the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia.
We understand that, more than a year after
our horrible earthquake, most of the kind donors who helped us then
have helped to the greatest degree they can. This is why we are
putting our hope in the continued operation of the "Haiti Orthodox
Family Relief" Program (HOFR) which was established with the
blessing of our Metropolitan Hilarion one year ago. You can visit
the website online at:
to this financial assistance program, the quality of life of some of
our readers and some needy families in ROCOR’s Haiti Mission has
improved significantly. It is our heartfelt hope before God that our
kind faithful might continue to accept "sponsorship" of our needy,
and we especially hope and pray that the sponsorships whose one-year
commitment to help is soon due to expire will please consider
extending their help into the future. May God grant this!
All of our parishes continue their
activities. Every three months all of the readers gather in
Port-au-Prince for instructional meetings, and Deacon Demetrio Romeo
from Florida has agreed to come and assist with liturgics
discussions at these meetings when possible.
Our four Mission schools are still actively
working, despite numerous difficulties. Cholera continues to claim
victims, having already killed over 3,000 Haitians.
We thank God for the Fund for Assistance
and Priest Matthew Williams’ timely efforts for shipping medical
supplies and medical personnel to the Mission. It was a great help;
none of our parishioners have died from cholera.
We continue to educate our people and our
students about the disease, but that does not lessen the
ever-present danger posed by unsafe water, especially in the
parishes of St. Augustine in Jacmel, and St. Irenaeus of Lyons in
Maïssade. We badly need a mobile water purification device that
would conceivably be used by several of our parishes. May God grant
you know, "The most important thing in the life of a parish is the
divine services." So said our beloved Metropolitan Laurus of blessed
memory. To improve our divine services, we are eagerly anticipating
a proposed plan to send five of our most qualified readers to
prepare for the priesthood at the new Moscow Patriarchate seminary
in Paris in October of this year!
A special three-year program, free of
charge, has been established for Haiti, as a great kindness to us
for our special urgent needs. These young men have their documents
in order for travel. We are hoping that the Fund for Assistance will
be able to help with the cost of the airfare to Paris for our
students, since this cost was not included in the MP’s offer for
We are happy and joyful to be a part of the
Russian Church Abroad! We may be the poorest nation in the Western
World, but we are rich under the omophorion of the Most Holy Mother
of God and the Holy Russian Orthodox Church!
Finally, we have compiled the attached
information chart showing the locations of our parishes and some of
the work done by the FFA and HOFR programs in meeting the needs of
the Haiti Mission. Please help us.
In Christ,
Priest Gregoire Legoute
Haiti Orthodox Mission,
Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Russian Orthodox Church
Outside of Russia May 15, 2011
PS: Working with the blessing of Met.
Hilarion, Deacon Demetrio Romeo and Dr. Chad Husby, Ph.D., both from
Miami and working as assistants to the Haiti Mission and the HOFR
program, have initiated a very promising agricultural program for
our Mission parishes in Haiti. Their full report on this effort will
be forthcoming soon.
PPS: Fr. Demetrio is preparing a report and film clips of his visit
to Haiti three weeks ago. Included in his work are short interviews
with some of our HOFR sponsored readers and families. We are hoping
that our sponsors will now be able to see and hear a few words from
the people they have been helping in Haiti. Fr. Demetrio will be
doing more work along these lines in the future for the Mission, God
Office of the Eastern American Diocese