September 4, 2012
Archimandrite Flor (Vanko) has reposed in the Lord
On Tuesday morning, September 4, Archimandrite Flor (Vanko), one of
the senior-most clerics of Holy Trinity Monastery in Jordanville,
NY, reposed in the Lord. Fr. Flor entered the monastery when it was
still in Ladomirová, and in 1946 moved along with the brethren to
Jordanville, and was tonsured a monk along with novices Alypy and
Laurus (later Archbishop Alypy (Gamanovich) and Metropolitan Laurus
We ask all the clerics and faithful children of the Eastern American
Diocese to pray for the repose of the newly departed Archimandrite
Funeral services will be held at Holy Trinity
Monastery on Wednesday, September 5th at 1:00 PM, and will be led by
the First Hierarch of ROCOR, His Eminence, Metropolitan Hilarion,
co-served by His Grace, Bishop George of Mayfield.
Media Office of the Eastern American Diocese