September 2, 2014
New York City: Festal Dormition Services in Synodal Cathedral of the Sign

On Wednesday the 27th and Thursday the 28th of August, the great feast of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos, festal divine services were held in the Synodal Cathedral of the Sign in New York City. On the eve of the feast, the All-Night Vigil was led by His Eminence Hilarion, Metropolitan of Eastern America & New York, co-served by Archbishop Gabriel of Montreal & Canada, and cathedral clergy: senior priest Archpriest Andrei Sommer, Hieromonks Eutychius (Dovganyuk) and Tikhon (Gayfudinov), Protodeacons Nicolas Mokhoff and Vadim Gan, and Deacons Nathan Mousselli, Nazari Fataliev, and Dionysius Lvov.

On August 28, the very day of the feast of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos, the festal services were led by His Eminence, Archbishop Gabriel of Montreal & Canada. His Eminence was co-served by the above-mentioned clergy, with the exceptions of Frs. Tikhon and Dionysius, who were accompanying the First Hierarch in Novo-Diveevo.

Upon completion of the Liturgy, Archbishop Gabriel, the clergy, and parishioners congratulated longtime Synodal benefactress Princess Elena N. Wolkonsky on the occasion of her birthday, and intoned her Many Years.

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