Brief Life of Our Father Among the Saints
John was born on the 4th of June 1896 on the country estate of his
parents, descendants of nobility, Boris Ivanovich and Glaphira
Mikhailovna Maximovitch in the little town of Adamovka in the Province
of Kharkov. At Baptism he received his name in honour of Saint Michael
the Archangel. His paternal ancestors were of Serbian extraction. One of
his ancestors, Saint John, Metropolitan of Tobolsk, was an ascetic of
holy life, a missionary, and a spiritual writer. Saint John of Tobolsk
lived in the first half of the 18th century and was glorified in 1916.
His glorification was the last celebrated during the reign of the Tsar
Martyr Nicholas.
John was an obedient child; his sister recalls that it was very easy for
his parents to raise him. Ruminating about his future during his youth,
he could not make a definite decision as to a career, being unsure as to
whether he should dedicate himself to military or civil service He only
knew that his future life would be guided by an insuperable desire to
stand up for the Truth, which was nurtured in him by his parents. He was
inspired by the examples of those people who live their lives for the
commenced his education at the Poltava Military Academy which, Vladyka
himself would later say, "was dedicated to one of the glorious
pages of the history of Russia." He was an exemplary student, but
he disliked two subjects; gymnastics and dancing. He was well liked at
the academy, but nevertheless felt he should choose a different path.
This idea was especially furthered by contact with the well known
religious instructor at the academy, Archpriest Sergei Chetverikov,
author of books about Saint Paisius Velichkovsky and the Holy Optina
Elders, and with the rector of the local seminary, Archimandrite Varlaam.
The day of Michael Maximovitch's completion of the military academy
coincided with that of Archbishop Anthony's (Khrapovitsky) investiture
to the catherdra of the See of Kharkov. This renowned hierarch and
theologian was the main advocate of the restoration of the patriarchate
in Russia, subsequently the Metropolitan of Kiev and Galich, and finally
the First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad. Throughout his
life this Archpastor inspired the church-oriented academic youth in all
matters spiritual thanks to his principal attribute - his sincere love
for them. Having heard about young Michael Maximovitch, of whom many
spoke in church circles, Archbishop Anthony desired to meet him. It was
in Kharkov that Archbishop Anthony became Saint John's spiritual guide.
This relationship continued throughout Archbishop Anthony's whole life.
Kharkov Michael entered Law School, which he completed in 1918, and
served for a while in the Kharkov court during the days when the Ukraine
was ruled by the Cossack leader, (Hetman) Skoropatsky. But the heart of
the future hierarch was far from this world. When not studying, he spent
all of his free time at the university reading spiritual literature,
especially favouring the lives of saints. "While studying the
worldly sciences," said the Saint during his election to the
episcopacy, "I delved all the more into the study of the Science of
sciences, into the study of the spiritual life." Visiting the
monastery in which Archbishop Anthony lived, Michael had the opportunity
to pray at the tomb of an ascetic of the first half of the 18th century,
Archbishop Leletius Leontievish, a deeply revered but not yet glorified
righteous one. The soul of the young saint was pierced by a thirst to
obtain the true goal and path of life in Christ.
great impression was made upon Michael by Bishop Varnava (subsequently
the Patriarch of Serbia) during his visit to Kharkov. The young Serbian
bishop, who was warmly greeted by Archbishop Anthony, related to him the
suffering of the Serbian people under the Turkish Yoke. This was in
January 1917, before the revolution, when the Serbs, who were battling
against Germany, Austria and Turkey, had almost no territory which was
free of enemy occupation. Through the inspiration of Archbishop Anthony
the response of the Russian people in support of the Serbs was
unanimous. In this example, Michael recognized the universal
significance of the Church and the duty of a bishop to respond to the
needs of all Orthodox people. In turn, Bishop Varnava, upon becoming
Patriarch, was particularly hospitable and helpful to the hierarchy of
the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad.
Russian Revolution forced the Maximovitch family to flee their homeland
and evacuate to Yugoslavia, where Michael was able to begin his
theological studies at the University of Saint Sava which he completed
in 1925. During his last year, Michael was tonsured a reader in Belgrade
by Metropolitan Anthony, who also, in 1926, tonsured him a monk in the
Milkovo Monastery giving him the name John in honour of his distant
relative, the recently glorified Saint John of Tobolsk. Shortly
thereafter he was ordained hierodeacon. On the Feast of the Entry of the
Most Holy Theotokos into the Temple, the young monastic became a
hieromonk. During these years he was a religious instructor at the
Serbian State High School, and in 1929 he became an instructor in the
Serbian Seminary of the Holy Apostle John the Theologian in the city of
Bitol - part of the Ochrid Diocese.
Bitol, Saint John won the love of his students and it was here that his
spiritual struggles became known to those around him. Saint John prayed
continually, served the Divine Liturgy daily, or attended Liturgy and
partook of Christ's Holy Mysteries, fasted strictly and usually ate once
a day late in the evening. With fatherly love the Saint instilled in the
seminary students high spiritual ideals. They were the first to discover
his great ascetic podvig noticing that the Saint never lay down to
sleep, and when he did doze off, it was only from utter exhaustion
and often during a prostration in the corner under the icons. Bishop
Nicholas (Velimirovich) valued and loved the young hieromonk John. Upon
leaving the seminary once, he turned to a small group of seminarians and
said, "Children, listen to Fr. John. He is an Angel of God in the
image of a man." The seminarians themselves were convinced that
Saint John truly lived an angelic life.
patience and humility were similar to the patience and humility of the
great ascetics and desert dwellers. He relived the events of the Holy
Gospel as if they were taking place before his eyes. He always knew the
chapter where to find an event and, when needed, could always quote a
given verse. He knew the character and details of every student, so that
at any moment he could assess what a student knew or did not know. Saint
John had a special gift of God: an unusually good memory. Consequently,
such assessments of his students could be made without referring to any
previous records or notes. Mutual love bound Saint John and the
seminarians together. For them he was the incarnation of all of the
Christian virtues. They did not see any shortcomings in him, not even in
his speech (Saint John had a slight stammer). There was no problem,
personal or social, which he could not solve quickly. There was not a
question for which he could not find an answer. His answer was always
concise, clear, complete and exhaustive because he was truly an educated
man. His education, his "wisdom," was based on the most stable
foundation, "the Fear of God." The Saint prayed zealously for
his seminarians. Each night he would make his rounds, checking everyone;
adjusting one's pillow, another's blanket. Upon leaving the room he
blessed the slumberer with the sign of the cross.
the first week of Great Lent, Saint John ate nothing more than one
prosphora a day, the same during Passion Week. When Great Saturday came
his body was completely exhausted. But on the Day of the Holy
Resurrection of the Lord he was revived, his strength returned. At
Paschal Matins he triumphantly exclaimed, "Christ is Risen!"
as if Christ resurrected specifically on that holy night. His face
shone. The Paschal joy which the Saint radiated was imparted to everyone
in the church. Anyone who was ever in church with Saint John on Pascha
experienced this.
1934 the Synod of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad decided
to elevate Saint John to the rank of bishop and assign him to Shanghai
as vicar bishop of the Diocese of China. As for Saint John himself,
nothing could have been further from his mind, which is obvious from an
account of one of his acquaintances from Yugoslavia. Once, when meeting
him on the tramway she asked him what had brought him to Belgrade. He
answered that he came to Belgrade because he had mistakenly received a
notice in place of another hieromonk John, who was to be made a bishop.
When she saw him again the next day, he told her that the mistake was
worse than he had expected, because it turned out that they had decided
to consecrate him a bishop. When he objected, pointing out his stammer,
he was told that the Prophet Moses had the same difficulty. The
consecration took place on the 28th of May 1934. Saint John was the last
bishop to be consecrated by Metropolitan Anthony.
young bishop arrived in Shanghai from Serbia on November 21, 1935, the
Feast of the Entry of the Most Holy Theotokos into the Temple. Many
people had gathered on the dock to meet their new archpastor who
wholeheartedly undertook his responsibilities and soon became an
established figure in the city of Shanghai. The completion of a large
cathedral as well as the resolution of an existing jurisdictional
conflict awaited him. Saint John quickly quelled this conflict and, in
time, established relations with the Serbs, Greeks, and Ukrainians in
his diocese. The Saint completed the construction of the huge cathedral
in honour of the Icon of the Mother of God "Surety of Sinners"
and a three story house with a bell tower. He dedicated special
attention to the spiritual education of the children. He personally
taught the Law of God to the upper classes of the Commercial
Institute and always attended the examinations for the religious courses
in all of the schools of Shanghai. He was the inspirer and leader in the
construction of churches, a hospital, an asylum for the mentally ill, an
orphanage, a home for the elderly, a community dining hall - in short,
all of the social undertakings of Russian Shanghai. The Saint was one
with his flock. He participated directly in the work of virtually all
emigrant organisations.
while participating actively in such an array of worldly affairs, he was
foreign to the world. From the first day of his arrival in Shanghai, the
Saint, as before, served Divine Liturgy daily. No matter where he was,
he was always present at Divine Services. Once, as a result of his
continual standing, the Saint's foot was severely swollen and a group of
physicians, fearing gangrene, prescribed immediate hospitalisation. The
Saint refused. The Russian doctors informed the Parish Council, that
they could not take any responsibility for the health and even the life
of the patient. The members of the Parish Council, after extensive
requests and even threats to forcefully hospitalise him, compelled the
Saint to agree, and he was sent to the hospital. That evening however,
he left the hospital on his own and at six o'clock was serving the
All-Night Vigil as usual.
performed all of the daily services completely and unabridged, so that,
at Compline, five or more canons would be read, so as to honour all of
the Saints. The Saint did not allow unnecessary conversations in the
sanctuary and personally made sure that the servers behaved as they
should, compiling for them a rule of conduct, to which he strictly, yet
affectionately, constrained adherence. After Liturgy Saint John remained
in the sanctuary two or three hours, concerning which he once commented,
"How difficult it is to tear oneself from prayer and return to
worldly affairs." At night he remained vigilant as opposed to
sleeping. He never went "visiting" specifically, instead, he
would appear unexpectedly to those in need, in any weather and at the
most unusual hours. Daily he visited the sick with the Holy Gifts. Often
he was seen, at some late hour, in inclement weather, walking on the
streets of Shanghai with his bishop's staff in hand and his rassa
blowing in the wind. When asked where he was headed in such weather, the
Saint would reply, "Not too far away, I need to visit
so-and-so," and when they escorted him to that place the "not
too far away" was frequently two or three kilometers.
concerning oneself with the salvation of men's souls," said the
Saint, "one needs to remember that people also have bodily needs
which clamorously declare their presence. One cannot preach the Gospel
without manifesting love in one's deeds." One of Saint John's
manifestations of such love was the founding of the Orphanage of Saint
Tikhon of Zadonsk for orphans and children of needy parents. He called
together some women and, with their help, began with eight little
children and organized an orphanage which gave refuge to many hundreds
of children in its fifteen-year existence in Shanghai. Vladyka himself
gathered sickly and hungry children from the streets and from the dark
alleys of Shanghai. Once he brought in a little girl to the orphanage,
having "bought" her from a chinaman for a bottle of vodka.
parishioners of the Shanghai diocese had deep feelings of love and
respect for their archpastor, as is evident from the following excerpts
from a letter written by them to Metropolitan Meletius in 1943:
worldly people, laymen, cannot touch his (Saint John's) breadth of
knowledge of theology, his erudition, his homilies, deeply penetrated
with apostolic faith, pronounced almost daily and often printed. We, the
people of Shanghai, will speak about what we see and feel in our
multiracial city from the day of arrival of our Bishop, that which we
see with our sinful eyes and that which we feel with our Christian
the day of his arrival: the sorrowful phenomenon of the division of
churches has ceased; the Orphanage of Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk, which
currently feeds, clothes, and educates 200 children was built from
nothing; gradually the conditions of the alms house in the name of Saint
Philaret the Merciful have improved; the sick in all Shanghai hospitals
are visited by priests, are administered the Holy Mysteries on a timely
basis and, in the event of death, even the homeless are buried with a
proper funeral; the mentally ill, who are located in a hospital far from
the city, are visited by him personally; those incarcerated in the
prisons of the "Settlement" and the French Concession have the
opportunity to pray in the place of their imprisonment during the Divine
Liturgy and to receive Holy Communion monthly. He directs serious
attention to the upbringing and education of the youth in a strict
Orthodox and nationalistic spirit. In many of the non Russian schools
our children are now taught the Law of God. During all of the difficult
moments in the life of our community we see him leading the way,
defending us and our age-old Russian moral principles to the end. All of
the sectarian organizations and heterodox confessions now understand
that to combat such a pillar of the Orthodox Faith is very difficult.
Our Bishop tirelessly visits the churches, hospitals, schools, prisons,
civil and military organizations, always bringing with him reassurance
and faith. From the day of his arrival not one infirm person has been
left without his prayer and personal visit. By the prayers of our
Luminary many have received relief and health. He, like a torch,
illuminates our sinfulness, like a pealing bell awakens our conscience,
and calls our souls to the Christian struggle, calls to us, as the Good
Pastor, so that for a minute we might be diverted from the earth, from
worldly corruption, and lift up our eyes to heaven, from whence our help
comes. He is the one, according to the words of Apostle Paul, who is an
example: in word, in life, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity.
(I Tim. 4:12)."
flock was not mistaken in giving such a great assessment of the work of
its pastor. People truly felt in him a readiness "to lay down his
life" for the flock. During the Japanese occupation, when two
presidents of the Russian Emigration Committee were killed in succession
and fear gripped the Russian colony, Saint John, despite the undoubted
danger to himself, declared himself the temporary head of the Russian
the repose of Metropolitan Meletius and the end of the war in 1945,
increased pressure was put upon the Russian emigrant clergy by the
Moscow Patriarchate, with the aim of subordinating them to the new
Moscow Patriarch Alexei I. He was the successor to Patriarch Sergius
who, in 1927, promulgated the declaration committing the church to
cooperation with the Soviet authorities. In the Far East almost all of
the hierarchs subordinated themselves to the newly chosen Patriarch.
Saint John, having denied such subordination, was exposed to extremely
great pressure and threats from his ruling bishop, Archbishop Victor.
The Saint's response to these threats was simple: "I am subject to
the Synod Abroad and I shall walk on the path that it directs for
a long delay caused by the war, an order arrived from the Synod of
Bishops elevating Bishop John to Archbishop with direct submission to
the Synod. The Chinese National Government and the city authorities
acknowledged Archbishop John as the sole head of the Russian Orthodox
Church in China.
miracle-working power and clairvoyance of Saint John were well known in
Shanghai. Once, during Bright Week, Saint John came to the Jewish
hospital to visit the Orthodox patients there. Passing through one ward,
he stopped in front of a screen, concealing the bed upon which an
elderly Jewish woman lay dying. Her family members were awaiting her
death nearby. The Saint raised a cross above the screen and loudly
proclaimed: "Christ is Risen!" upon which the dying woman
regained consciousness and asked for water. The Saint approached the
nurse and said, "The patient wants to drink." The medical
staff were stunned by the change which had taken place in one who only
moments earlier was dying. Soon the woman recovered and was discharged
from the hospital. Such incidents were numerous.
so happened that Saint John was urgently called to administer Holy
Communion to a dying man in the hospital. Having taken the Holy Gifts,
the Saint headed there with another clergyman. When they arrived they
saw a young man, about 20 years of age, playing on a harmonica. He had
already recovered and was to leave the hospital shortly. The Saint
called him over saying, "I want to give you Holy Communion right
now." The young man immediately came up to him, confessed, and
received Holy Communion. The amazed clergyman asked Saint John why he
did not go to the one dying, but detained himself with an obviously
healthy young man. The Saint answered simply, "He will die tonight,
but the other, who is seriously ill, will live yet many years."
That is precisely what came to pass. The Lord manifested similar
miracles in Europe and America through His Saint.
the end of the 1940's as the communists came to power, Russians in China
were forced to flee again, most via the Philippine Islands. In
1949 almost 5000 refugees from China were located in a camp of the
International Refugee Organization on the island of Tubabao. They lived
there in tents under the most primitive circumstances. All of the
children of the orphanage were brought there, as were the elderly and
infirm. They lived under the continual threat of fierce hurricanes,
since the island is located in the path of seasonal typhoons which pass
through that part of the Pacific Ocean. During the twenty-seven-month
existence of the Russian encampment, only once was the island threatened
by a typhoon, which, however, changed its course and passed around the
island. Every night Saint John would walk around the entire camp
blessing it with the sign of the Cross on all four sides. Later when the
people had departed for various countries and the camp had been almost
completely evacuated, a fierce typhoon swept over the camp and leveled
it to the ground.
than once Saint John had to appear before representatives of civil
authority to intercede for the needs of the Russian refugees. It was
recommended to Saint John that he personally petition in Washington
D.C., so that those in the camp could come to America. He flew to
Washington and, contrary to all human obstacles, succeeded in having
immigration laws changed and the exodus of his flock was realized.
1951 Saint John was assigned to oversee the Western European Diocese. At
first he administered the diocese from Paris and later from Brussels. He
continually traveled throughout Europe serving Divine Liturgy in French
and Dutch, and, as before, in Greek, Chinese, and later in English. The
following was written about him in Paris: "He lives outside of our
plane (of existence)." It is no accident that in one of the
Catholic churches a priest said, addressing the youth: "You require
proof. You say that there are no more miracles, no saints. Why do you
need theoretical proof, when a living Saint walks the streets of Paris,
Saint Jean Pieds {Saint John the Barefoot}!"
in Europe, Saint John collected information on a number of ancient
Saints venerated in the West, but forgotten in the East. Upon his
recommendation their veneration was restored and their names recorded in
the Church calendar.
John's spirituality, his knowledge of languages, and, most of all, his
example, attracted many French, Dutch and other Europeans to Orthodoxy.
Such was the missionary significance of his stay in Europe.
the Fall of 1962 Saint John arrived in his last Diocesan See, and again,
just as many years ago in his first Diocese, on the Feast of the Entry
of the Most Holy Theotokos into the Temple. At first he came to assist
the aging and infirm elder, Archbishop Tikhon and after his repose
(March 17, 1963 o.s.) Saint John became ruling Archbishop of Western
America and San Francisco. Again the Saint arrived to find an unfinished
church, dedicated to the memory of the Mother of God, and once again, as
in China, the Church was torn by discord.
John's first priority was to resume and complete the construction of the
new Diocesan Cathedral of the Most Holy Theotokos "Joy of All Who
Sorrow", which had been entirely halted due to a lack of funds and
sharp disputes as to the solution of the financial dilemma paralyzing
the church community. The Lord mercifully helped His Saint in this, who
was suffering greatly as a result of this discord, yet continued both by
prayer and by tirelessly overseeing the construction, to inspire
everyone to sacrifice and work.
John had to endure much at that time, even the necessity of appearing in
an American civil court. The last years of his life were full of the
bitterness of slander and persecution. Sometimes Saint John aroused
envy, unfavorable criticisms, or bewilderment in people, when he dealt
with them strictly adhering to church rules. At that time, someone asked
who was responsible for the division in the Church. The Saint answered
simply: "the devil".
1964, construction of the largest church of the Russian Church Abroad in
America, adorned with five golden domes, was essentially complete. The
elevation of the magnificent crosses, the grandeur of which is visible
when sailing in the San Francisco Bay, was proceeded by a solemn
procession (over a mile) with masses of people participating. The
procession was almost cancelled due to heavy rains, but the Saint,
without any hesitation, led the procession with hymns into the drenched
streets of the City. As the procession began the rain stopped. The
crosses were blessed in front of the new cathedral and when the main
cross was elevated, the sun broke through and a dove lighted upon the
brightly shining symbol of Christ. This visible triumph of the elevating
of Orthodox crosses, symbols of Christ's victory, shining on the hills
of a contemporary Babylon where satanism has been openly professed, was
the crowning victory of the life of the Saint on earth.
accompanying the Wonder-Working Kursk-Root Icon of the Most Holy
Theotokos to Seattle, Saint John, having served Divine Liturgy there in
the Saint Nicholas Catherdral, remained in the altar for three hours. It
was the 19th of June (o.s.) 1966. Then having visited some of his
spiritual children who lived near the cathedral with the Wonder-working
Icon, he proceeded to a room in the church house where he was staying.
Suddenly, those accompanying the Archpastor heard the sound of someone
falling to the floor. When they ran up the stairs they discovered him
lying on the floor and already departing this world. They sat him up in
an armchair before the Wonder-working icon and the Saint peacefully
reposed in the Lord. At that moment, his extraordinarily difficult
struggle of depriving himself of rest and sleep ceased. They laid him on
a bed that was in the room, a blessed berth, giving him rest and sleep
after 40 years of abstinence. "Sleep now in peace!" cried
Archbishop Averky of Syracuse and Holy Trinity Monastery, who zealously
loved him. In the conclusion of his homily during the funeral he said:
"Sleep now in peace, O our dear, beloved Vladyka. Rest from your
righteous works and struggles. Rest in peace until the General
Resurrection." The solemn funeral of Saint John took place on June
24, 1966 (o.s.) in the Cathedral of the Most-Holy Theotokos, the Joy of
All Who Sorrow, in the city of San Francisco. The funeral began at 6.00
p.m. and finished after 1.00 am, as a result of the multitude of people,
who came to bid farewell to their reposed archpastor. Metropolitan
Philaret officiated at the funeral in concelebration with Archbishops
Leonty and Averky, Bishops Sava and Nektary and a multitude of clergy.
air of the funeral was strikingly poignant and exaltedly prayerful. None
of its participants shall ever forget it. Despite the deep sorrow of the
countless admirers of Saint John, a kind of special joy predominated,
enveloping all of the faithful.
body of Saint John remained in an open casket in the cathedral for five
days and, despite the hot summer weather, was untouched by even the
slightest hint of corruption or stiffness. His hands were soft and
pliant. And all of this, despite the fact that nothing whatsoever was
done to his body at the mortuary.
words of Bishop Ignaty (Brianchaninov) in his work, Thoughts about
Death, involuntarily come to mind: "Have you ever seen the body of
a righteous one which has been abandoned by the soul? There is no smell
of corruption. It is not frightening to be near it. During his burial
sorrow is mixed with a kind of intangible joy." All of this,
according to the words of the ever memorable Bishop Ignaty, is a sure
sign that "the reposed one has obtained mercy and Grace from the
his blessed repose, just as during his life, Saint John continues to
perform various miracles and healings for those who turn to him with
faith. People, during difficult moments in their lives, when no earthly
power is capable of helping, have beseeched his intercession before the
Lord. Letters, as well as prayer lists, have been placed under the miter
on the tomb of the Saint and many have received the help for which they
had hoped.
the fall of 1993 the Synod of Bishops charged the Archbishop Anthony of
Western America and San Francisco, together with a commission comprised
of two other archpastors, to examine Saint John's remains. In the
evening of September 28, 1993 (o.s.), after a pannykhida served in the
sepulcher by members of the commission, Archbishop Anthony gave a brief
homily, calling all participants of this holy work to be reconciled and
himself asking forgiveness of everyone, blessed those present to open
the tomb. Having removed the lid of the sarcophagus, the participants
withdrew the metal coffin of the Saint and noticed that in many places
it had completely rusted through. With the fear of God and with prayer,
they opened the coffin. The face of the Saint was covered and everyone
immediately turned their attention to his white, incorrupt hands. Having
prayed, Archbishop Anthony removed the "aer" from the brow of
Vladyka and exposed the incorrupt face of the God-glorified Saint. At
this moment a kind of supernatural spiritual peace, an extraordinary
reverent silence was felt. No one was amazed, no one spoke. All problems
seemed to vanish, such was the Grace-filled experience of standing
beside the Saint's relics.
the next meeting of the Synod of Bishops, Archbishop Anthony reported
that the honorable relics of Saint John were examined by the Synodal
Commission comprised of himself, Archbishop Laurus of Syracuse and Holy
Trinity, Bishop Kyrill of Seattle and twelve other persons chosen by the
diocesan bishop. Having heard Archbishop Anthony's report and the Report
of the Commission for the examination of the relics of Saint John, the
Synod of Bishops blessed the continuation of the efforts in preparation
of the Glorification of Saint John, which was scheduled for June 19 (o.s.),
the day of his blessed repose.
these frightening days of general apostasy from God, the Lord has not
abandoned his people and has sent them a great intercessor. Standing
before the throne of God is a courageous defender of the Church of
Christ; a struggler and ascetic according to the tradition of the
stylites who took upon themselves the strictest form of
self-mortification and, at times, taking upon themselves
"foolishness for Christ's sake," which exceeds the wisdom of
this world; a good and loving pastor who laid down his life for his
sheep; a teacher and nurturer of Orthodox youth; a miracle-worker and
unmercenary healer; an apostle and missionary; a deep theologian; a
beholder of mysteries and a hierarch of universal significance, who
unwaveringly followed that which he had promised before God and men in
his testimony read during his election to the episcopacy: "What
greater benefit can one bring to one's neighbor, other than to prepare
him for eternal life..."
the prayers of our holy father John, may the Lord God preserve us from
every evil, strengthen our faith, and help us to journey upon the true
path to salvation. To our God, Who is wondrous in His Saints, be all
glory, honor, and worship, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages.
from the website of
St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedal in Howell, NJ