14, 2010
George’s service on the Feast of the Protection of the Mother of God
Wednesday, October 13, on the eve of the feast of the Protection of
the Mother of God, His Grace George, Bishop of Mayfield, led the
All-Night Vigil in St. George’s Church in Howell, NJ. His Grace was
co-served by parish clerics Priest Jonah Campbell and Deacon Leonid
Roschko. The divine service was adorned by the singing of the
parish’s male choir, under the direction of rector Archpriest Serge
following morning, His Grace visited St. Vladimir Memorial Church in
Jackson, NJ, and celebrated the Divine Liturgy in the lower Protection
of the Mother of God Church. Bishop George was co-served by English
Mission rector Archpriest Philip Petrovsky, diocesan secretary
Archpriest Serge Lukianov, deputy rector of the Memorial Church Priest
Serge Ledkovsky, Priest Jonah Campbell, Deacon Leonid Roschko, and
parish deacons Alexander Smida and Paul Drozdowski.
the Small Entrance, in accordance with a resolution of the Holy Synod
of ROCOR, Archpriest Philip Petrovsky was awarded the right to wear
the miter. Upon completion of the Liturgy a short moleben was served,
after which Memory Eternal was intoned for the builders of the Memory
Church, Their Eminences, Archbishops Vitaly (Maximenko) and Nikon (Rklitsky).
George greeted Fr. Philip, congratulating him on his high honor. On
behalf of the First Hierarch of ROCOR, His Eminence Hilarion,
Metropolitan of Eastern America and New York, and the Diocesan
Council, Archpriest Serge Lukianov greeted Fr. Philip, congratulating
him and noting his long years of service to Christ’s Holy Church in
no fewer than 15 parishes. Fr. Philip then thanked all of the
parishioners for their labors and support; on behalf of the parish,
Deacon Alexander presented Fr. Philip with a bronze pectoral cross
from the 19th century. After the Liturgy, a festal luncheon was
offered in the parish hall to all those in attendance.

Media Office of the Eastern American