24, 2010
Bishop George met with His Beatitude Theophilus, Patriarch of
Jerusalem and All Palestine
On Sunday, November
14, with the blessing of His Eminence, Metropolitan Hilarion, His
Grace George, Bishop of Mayfield, performed a pilgrimage to the Holy
Land as part of a group of pilgrims from the Middle American Diocese.
On November 17, His
Grace visited the Patriarchal residence and met with His Beatitude
Theophilus III, Patriarch of Jerusalem and All Palestine. Bishop
George was accompanied by Priest Ilia Marzev (dean of St. Sergius
Cathedral in Cleveland, OH), Deacon Nickolay Pravitsky (cleric of St.
Sergius Cathedral), and the pilgrimage group. During the meeting,
Bishop George passed along greetings from Metropolitan Hilarion to
Patriarch Theophilus, thanking His Beatitude for his hospitality and
the opportunity to perform the divine services in the Holy City. His
Grace also told His Beatitude about life in Holy Cross Monastery and
presented him with commemorative gifts from the monastery. In his
reply, Patriarch Theophilus thanked Bishop George and asked that he
pass along the Patriarch’s greetings to Metropolitan Hilarion. His
Beatitude wished Bishop George and the pilgrims well on their journey
to the holy sites and a safe return to America. The Patriarch then
presented Bishop George with a mother-of-pearl panagia and Fr. Ilia
with a mother-of-pearl cross, while the pilgrims were given other
commemorative gifts.
On Sunday, November
21, Bishop George concelebrated with His Eminence, Archbishop
Dorotheus of Avila, at the Midnight Liturgy in the Church of the Holy
Sepulcher. The bishops were co-served by 50 priests, while almost
2,000 pilgrims filled the church. On November 22, Bishop George
returned to America.

Media Office of the Eastern American