July 5, 2011
California: Bishop George
visited St. Simeon Verkhotursky Church in Calistoga and St. Herman’s
Monastery in Platina
the blessing of His Eminence Kyrill, Archbishop of San Francisco and
Western America, His Grace George, Bishop of Mayfield, celebrated
the Divine Liturgy in St. Simeon Verkhotursky Church in Calistoga,
His Grace was co-served by
parish rector Priest Joakim Provatakis and Deacon Brendan Doss
(cleric of Holy Trinity Cathedral in San Francisco, CA – OCA). The
Liturgy was beautifully sung by nuns from the neighboring Holy
Assumption Convent (OCA), located two blocks from the church.
After the Liturgy, the nuns
invited His Grace and all of the worshippers to their convent for a
luncheon, which was served in the refectory and in the convent’s
picturesque garden.
On Tuesday, July 5,
His Grace continued his pilgrimage to the holy sites of California,
and visited St. Herman of Alaska Monastery in Platina, CA, where he
was greeted by the monastery’s abbot, Hieromonk Hilarion. The
monastery was founded by Hieromonk Seraphim (Rose) and his
co-laborer, Fr. Herman (Podmoshenky), in the untamed reaches of
northern California, far from the gaze of passersby.
Fr. Hilarion gave
Bishop George a tour of the monastery and showed His Grace the cell
and grave of Hieromonk Seraphim (Rose), a famous ascetic and author
of spiritual books, which had a deep impact on the development of
Orthodoxy in America. Prior to departing from Platina, Bishop George
paid a visit to the ailing Fr. Herman (Podmoshenky).

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