
September 30, 2011
Methuen, MA: Archpastoral Visit of Metropolitan Hilarion to St.
Xenia’s Church
Friday, September 23 and Saturday, September 25, on the Feast of the
Glorification of St. Xenia of Petersburg, the First Hierarch of the
Russian Church Abroad, His Eminence Hilarion, Metropolitan of
Eastern America & New York, led the Divine Services in
St. Xenia’s Church in Methuen, MA.
On Friday evening His Eminence was greeted with the peal of the
bells and then led the All-Night Vigil co-served by the rector
Archpriest Michael Crowley, Archpriest Victor Boldewskul, Priest
Brendan Crowley (rector of St. Nicholas Church in Springfield, MA),
Priest Vadim Pismenny (cleric of the Church of the Nativity of the
Mother of God in Mahopac, NY), Priest John Routos, Priest
Constantine Desrosiers (parish cleric), Protodeacon Alexander
Jarostchuk (cleric of Holy Epiphany Church), and parish Deacon
Alexander Doohovskoy. After the Vigil, a lenten dinner was served in
the parish hall.
On Saturday morning, the First Hierarch was greeted under the peal
of the bells by parish warden Anthony Sarantakis. His Eminence
celebrated the Divine Liturgy, co-served by the above-mentioned
clergy, as well as Archpriest Spyridon Schneider (rector of St. John
the Russian Church in Ipswich, MA), Archpriest Alexander Androsov
(MP cleric), and Priest Kevin Kalish (rector of Holy New Martyrs &
Confessors of Russia Church in Brooklyn, NY). The church was filled
with over 150 of faithful, many of whom confessed and communed of
the Holy Mysteries on the joyous feast day.
After the Divine Liturgy, a festal moleben and procession were
held around the church. The Sisterhood, assisted by Nicholas
Chaplin, prepared a bountiful banquet under tents on the church
grounds. His Eminence spent a long time speaking with various
members of the parish. Before leaving for New York, Fr. Michael
thanked the First Hierarch for his pastoral love and care shown
to the parishioners during his annual visit.

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