A list of clergy who co-served with His Eminence JUSTINIAN, Archbishop of Naro-Fominsk, Administrator of the Patriarchal Parishes in the USA, at the celebrations on Holy Spirit Day in honor of the patronal feast day in Holy Trinity Monastery in Jordanville, NY on June 4, 2012:

GEORGE, Bishop of Mayfield
Vicar of the Eastern American Diocese

Archimandrite Luke (Murianka)
Monastery abbot

Archpriest John Sorochka
Dean of Pennsylvania
Dean, St. John the Baptist Cathedral
(Mayfield, PA)

Archpriest David Hritcko
Rector, St. Basil’s Church
(Simpson, PA)

Archpriest Gregory Naumenko
Rector, Protection of the Mother of God Church
(Rochester, NY)

Archpriest Serge Lukianov
Eastern American Diocesan Secretary
Rector, St. George’s Church
(Howell, NJ)

Archpriest Chad Williams
Rector, St. Alexander Nevsky Church
(Richmond, ME)

Archpriest Yaroslav Belikow
Rector, St. John the Wonderworker Church
(Framingham, MA)

Archpriest Carlos Chacón
Rector, Holy Virgin Protection Church
(Nepantla, Mexico)

Archpriest Petr Kruashvili
Rector, St. Grigol of Khandzta Georgian Church
(Somerville, NJ)

Archpriest Michael Taratuchin
Rector, St. John of Kronstadt Memorial Church
(Utica, NY)

Archpriest Vladimir Tsurikov
Monastery cleric

Hieromonk Theophylact (Clapper-DeWell)
Monastery cleric

Igumen Nicodemus (Balyasnikov)
Assistant to Archbishop Justinian of Naro-Fominsk

Hieromonk Arseny (Manko)
Cleric, St. Nicholas Patriarchal Cathedral
(New York, NY)

Hieromonk Eutychius (Dovganyuk)

Hieromonk Cyprian (Alexandrou)
Monastery cleric

Priest Seraphim Chemodakov
Cleric, St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral
(Lakewood, NJ)

Priest Serge Ledkovsky
Deputy Rector, St. Vladimir Memorial Church
(Jackson, NJ)

Priest Seraphim Wing
Cleric, St. Nicholas Church
(Edinboro, PA)

Priest Alexis Pjawka
Cleric, Protection of the Holy Virgin Memorial Church
(Ottawa, Canada)

Hieromonk Gabriel (Astrakhankine)
Monastery cleric

Hieromonk Anatoly (Zilin)
Monastery cleriс

Priest Iliya Grozdanov
Cleric, St. John of Rila Bulgarian  Church
(Niagara Falls, Canada)

Protodeacon Joseph Jarostchuk
Cleric, St. John of Kronstadt Memorial Church
(Utica, NY)

Protodeacon Victor Lochmatow
Monastery cleric

Protodeacon John Onopko
Monastery cleric

Protodeacon Andrei Kuraev
Cleric, St. Michael the Archangel Church
(Troparevo (Moscow), Russia)

Protodeacon Sergei Arlievsky
Cleric, Holy Dormition Convent
(Novo-Diveevo, NY)

Protodeacon Alexander Jarostchuk
Cleric, Holy Epiphany Church
(Boston, MA)

Protodeacon Nicholas Olhovsky
Monastery cleric

Deacon Rodion Shamazov
Cleric, St. Nicholas Patriarchal Cathedral
(New York, NY)

Deacon Nathan Mousselli
Cleric, Synodal Cathedral of the Sign
(New York City)

Deacon Andrei Psarev
Monastery cleric

Deacon Cirilo Chacón
Cleric, Holy Virgin Protection Church
(Nepantla, Mexico)

Archpriest Wsewolod Drobot
Rector, Church of the Nativity of the Mother of God
(Albany, NY)

Priest Andrei Rudenko
Cleric, Church of the Nativity of the Mother of God
(Albany, NY)

The choir sang under the direction of monastery cleric Hieromonk Roman (Krassovsky). Also praying in church were Archimandrite Job (Kotenko; monastery cleric), Archpriest Wsewolod Drobot (rector of the Nativity of the Mother of God Church in Albany, NY), Archpriest Ivan Semko (rector of St. Mary’s Ukrainian Church in Herkimer, NY), Priest Andrei Rudenko (cleric of Nativity of the Mother of God Church), and Mother Elizabeth (rectress of St. Elizabeth the New Martyr Convent in Jordanville) and the sisterhood of the local convent.

Media Office of the Eastern American Diocese