March 30, 2013
Wayne, WV: Bishop George tonsured three new monks at Holy Cross Monastery

On Tuesday, March 26, on the feast day of the Translation of the relics of St. Nicephorus, Patriarch of Constantinople, upon completion of the regular Lenten services, His Grace, Eastern American Diocesan vicar Bishop George of Mayfield, tonsured two monks to the Lesser Schema at Holy Cross Monastery: rassophore monks Hilarion and Aaron. Fr. Aaron received the name Benedict, in honor of St. Benedict of Nursia (the eve of whose feast it was that day). His Grace also tonsured novice Jacob a rassophore monk. Upon completion of the rite of tonsure, Bishop George addressed the newly tonsured monks with a word of instruction.

Tonsure to the rank of rassophore monk is the first step of monasticism. At his tonsure the novice receives a riassa and cowl (klobuk), and is sometimes given a new name, although the new monk does not yet take his monastic vows. Those tonsured to wear the riassa are called "rassophore." At his tonsure to the Lesser Schema, the rassophore monk gives before God his vows of chastity, obedience (to the abbot and brethren), and poverty. He is given a new name when his hair is cut (tonsured), and he is vested in monastic garb (in addition to the riassa and cowl, he receives the monastic habit, paraman, belt, mantle, sandals, and prayer rope), and is thereafter a true monk. All monastic clothing, with its black color and artlessness, reminds one of a humble, solitary, unacquisitive life, lived in repentance for one’s sins.

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