November 12, 2016
Howell, NJ: On Feast of Righteous John of Kronstadt, Bishop Nicholas
celebrates Liturgy in Diocesan Cathedral
Tuesday, November 1, the feast day of the Holy Righteous John of
Kronstadt, Bishop Nicholas of Manhattan, vicar of the Eastern
American Diocese, celebrated Divine Liturgy in St. Alexander Nevsky
Diocesan Cathedral in Howell, NJ.
His Grace was concelebrated by clergy of the New Jersey Deanery:
Archpriests Serge Lukianov (cathedral dean), Liubo Milosevich
(rector of Holy Trinity Church in Vineland, NJ), Mark Burachek
(rector of Our Lady of Kazan Church in Newark), Zoran Radovic
(rector of St. George Church in Elizabeth), and Leonid Goferman
(rector of Holy Protection Church in New Brunswick), Hieromonk
Tikhon (Gayfudinov; rector of Holy Protection Skete in Buena), and
Protodeacons Leonid Roschko and Paul Drozdowski (cathedral clerics).
Also praying at the divine service were Protopresbyter Valery
Lukianov (dean of New Jersey), Archpriest Seraphim Chemodakov
(cathedral cleric), and Priest Serge Ledkovsky (deputy rector of St.
Vladimir Memorial Church in Jackson, NJ).
Prior to the beginning of Liturgy, parish altar server Andriy
Ivanchuk was awarded the right to wear the orarion.
Despite it being a weekday, cathedral parishioners and faithful from
neighboring towns gathered in church, and many communed of Christ’s
Holy Mysteries.
Nicholas thanked the clergy for their joint prayer at the Lord’s
Altar, and called on the faithful to turn to the All-Russian elder,
St. John of Kronstadt, for aid, counsel, and comfort.
"Righteous John of Kronstadt served in a bustling naval city and in
his cathedral received everyone alike: his regular parishioners,
servicemen, and those burdened by troubles," noted Bishop Nicholas.
"Seeing in each the image of God, he found time for every person."
Fr. Serge thanked His Grace for his visit and shared prayer,
congratulated Reader John Lukianov on his namesday, and noted that
it was on this very day in 1968 that Archbishop Nikon (Rklitsky;
+1976) assigned Fr. Valery rector of the first St. Alexander Nevsky
Church (now Our Lady of Tikhvin).
The cathedral sisterhood prepared a luncheon for the clergy and
faithful in the parish café.

Media Office of the Eastern American Diocese